Shortcut of the day: Ctrl + A – Select All 9 years ago Howdy, Shortcut of today is Ctrl + A We're still in the realm of general/popular shortcuts. This time you want… Shortcut of the day: Ctrl + Y – Redo 9 years ago Howdy, Shortcut of today is Ctrl + Y It's used to Redo the last action, to repeat a task that… Shortcut of the day: Ctrl + Z – Undo 9 years ago Howdy, Shortcut of today is Ctrl + Z It's a general keyboard shortcut used to undo the last action, or… Shortcut of the day: Ctrl + X – Cut 9 years ago Howdy Shortcut of today is Ctrl + X What it does? It removes (eXtracts, if you want) the selected text/files/elements… Shortcut of the day: Ctrl + V – Paste 9 years ago Shortcut of today is Ctrl + V It stands for Paste (v is for verbatim) and it complements other shortcuts,… Shortcut of the day: Copy – Ctrl + C 9 years ago Today we start a new series called Shortcut of the day. Please comment if you find this useful. Shortcut of… Shortcut keys for Apache OpenOffice 9 years ago OpenOffice has a general set of keyboard shortcuts, available in all components, and a software component-specific set (Writer, Calc, Impress,… Windows 10 shortcut keys – the simple, complete list 9 years ago In case you re after the straightforward list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10 here they are. It includes top,… Adobe Photoshop – Full list of Shortcut Keys and mouse actions 10 years ago This is the full list of default keyboard shortcuts AND mouse actions. The shortcuts can be further customized via the… Microsoft Outlook – full list of keyboard shortcuts 10 years ago Microsoft Outlook is quite a complex program so this is a long list here. Normally you only need a fraction… Next» « Previous